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Product Monograph
* Orange text links below, are provided to downloadable documents and detailed descriptions of available experimental data.
General properties of P-MAPA
Mechanism of Action of P-MAPA
• Proposed mechanism of therapeutic action of P-MAPA
Preliminary Immunomodulating Activities
• Lymphoproliferative Effect of P-MAPA on Splenic Cells (under construction)
• Plaques Forming in Splenic Cells Induced by P-MAPA (under construction)
• P-MAPA effect on human toll-like receptors (under construction)
• P-MAPA effect in dendritic cells development and maturation (under construction)
Use of P-Mapa in Disease States
Animal Models of Infection -Intracelullar pathogens
Bacteria, protozoan and virus
• Phleboviruses -Punta toro virus
• Parvovirus and Canine distemper virus
Animal Models of cancer
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on urinary bladder cancer
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL)
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on Renal carcinoma (RENCA)
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on Mammary Carcinoma and Plasmacitoma
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on Walker 256 Tumor
• Antitumoral Effect of P-MAPA on Prostate Tumor
Toxicity and Safety
Toxicity in vitro and animals
Toxicity in vitro
• Preliminar Toxicity in mitochondria - Cytotoxicity -V 79 cell line
Toxicity in Animals
Toxicity in mice
• Oral Acute Toxicity in Mice (single dose)
Toxicity in Rats
• 12 Week Multiple Dose Toxicity in Rats
• Reproduction and post-natal toxicity in rats
Toxicity in mice - Teratogenicity in mice
• Effect of P-MAPA on Intra-ocular Graft Tooth Germ Development
• Effect of P-MAPA on Tooth Germ and Palate Development
Toxicity in Monkeys
• 4 Week Multiple Dose Toxicity in primates
• Plasma levels of P-MAPA at diferent doses in rats
• Pharmacocinetic parameters of P-MAPA and target organs for Mg2+ ions
Preclinical conclusions
•Animal models (under constructon)
Safety in Humans
• Clinical Trial Phase I - HIV + patients
• Anti-viral properties ( anti-HIV-1) in vitro
Clinical Trials
• Preliminary clinical study with AIDS patients
• Bibliographic references (under construction)
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